BMV 1173 7/14 of 2 PUBLIC American LegalNet, Inc. ** If you would like the BMV to email your record request: Email my record request (Include valid email address above) Please Note Due to security concerns, if the email address you provided is invalid, the record(s) will be mailed to the requestor's address listed in Part A. However, in order to best assist you with your request, please provide the Ohio BMV with as many identifiers as possible.

* It is not necessary that you provide a Social Security #. If mailing, return to: Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Attn: BMV Records, P.O.
Other: (Check applicable reason for request on Part C, and complete Parts A and B) I am requesting the following personal information contained in the Bureau of Motor Vehicles records: Driving Record Last Known Address (Mail in Only) Cosigner w / Date of Loss-_ (Mail in Only) Copy of Driver License Application ($5.00) ($5.00) ($5.00) ($5.00) Copy of Title Record Vehicle Registration Record ($5.00) ($5.00) PART A: Please provide current information regarding yourself: YOUR NAME (REQUESTER) COMPANY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) CURRENT STREET ADDRESS TELEPHONE # / FAX # *SOCIAL SECURITY # (OPTIONAL) VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION # (IF APPLICABLE) NOTE: SIGNATURE REQUIRED SIGNATURE DATE BMV ACCOUNT # (IF APPLICABLE) DATE OF BIRTH X CITY **EMAIL ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) DRIVER LICENSE # (IF APPLICABLE) LICENSE PLATE # (IF APPLICABLE) STATE ZIP TITLE # (IF APPLICABLE) PART B: Request regarding other person(s): PERSON'S NAME STREET ADDRESS *SOCIAL SECURITY # (OPTIONAL) VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION # CITY DRIVER LICENSE # TITLE # DATE OF BIRTH STATE ZIP LICENSE PLATE # If requesting information on more than 1 person or vehicle, attach additional sheet(s): Additional sheet(s) attached Make check or money order payable to Ohio Treasurer of State. All mail requests without the BMV Form 5008 attached will be returned to the requester. An individual inquiring regarding another person: (Complete Parts A and B) If inquiring regarding another individual, you must attach a notarized BMV Form 5008 giving the written consent of the person. This request is being made by (check one): An individual inquiring regarding himself or herself: (Complete Part A) If inquiring in person for information on yourself, you must provide personal information regarding yourself, or prove your identity by presenting your driver license or identification card. FAILURE to provide any information will result in this form not being processed. Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED.

OHIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES OBMV RECORD REQUEST (Ohio Revised Code 4501.15, 4501.27, AND 4507.53) This agency is requesting disclosure of information that is necessary to accomplish the statutory purpose as outlined under R.C.